Massage my stress away
About Me
Massage my stress away

I have a very stressful job so I am always looking forward to my annual trip to the spa. It's a week of different massages and relaxing times at the spa. Its also a good time for my partner and I to get some relaxing treatments together so that we feel close and connected again. We try different spas in different regions to get a new holiday and have some time relaxing together. This blog is all about the different spa experiences we have tried and the different massage techniques that work for us. It's always good to get new ideas and inspiration.


Massage my stress away

  • When Should You Opt for Actual Physiotherapy?

    19 December 2017

    Physiotherapy is a good choice for anyone who is active in sports or who jogs on a regular basis, as well as for those who have any type of physical condition that interferes with their overall mobility. This therapy can strengthen muscles and ensure injuries do not get worse over time. While physiotherapy can offer many benefits, some people avoid going through this type of therapy or may not know to ask their doctor for such a referral, perhaps assuming that they don't need this therapy for their aches and pains.

  • Clearing Up Some Common Misconceptions About Physiotherapy

    19 July 2017

    Physiotherapy might be prescribed by your doctor if you've suffered an injury or fall, if you've had recent surgery or if you have limited mobility for any reason. In some cases, you might elect to visit a physiotherapist without a doctor's recommendation to help you manage certain conditions. Note a few common misconceptions about physiotherapy so you can determine if it's the right choice for you, and so you can know what to expect with your treatment.