Massage my stress away
About Me
Massage my stress away

I have a very stressful job so I am always looking forward to my annual trip to the spa. It's a week of different massages and relaxing times at the spa. Its also a good time for my partner and I to get some relaxing treatments together so that we feel close and connected again. We try different spas in different regions to get a new holiday and have some time relaxing together. This blog is all about the different spa experiences we have tried and the different massage techniques that work for us. It's always good to get new ideas and inspiration.


Massage my stress away

Clearing Up Some Common Misconceptions About Physiotherapy

Gary Peterson

Physiotherapy might be prescribed by your doctor if you've suffered an injury or fall, if you've had recent surgery or if you have limited mobility for any reason. In some cases, you might elect to visit a physiotherapist without a doctor's recommendation to help you manage certain conditions. Note a few common misconceptions about physiotherapy so you can determine if it's the right choice for you, and so you can know what to expect with your treatment.


Some people have the mistaken belief that physiotherapy is simply a form of massage, with different or advanced techniques than those used by a massage therapist. While massage can be used as part of physiotherapy, your entire treatment may include a wide range of procedures, including taping, joint manipulation, stretching, hot and cold packs, and exercise. Don't assume that you can get the same benefits from a massage therapist as you can from a physiotherapist, but consider at least consulting with this professional to note their recommendations for you.

Diagnosing your condition

If you decide to visit a physiotherapist on your own, without your doctor's recommendation, don't assume that you will need to visit your doctor to get your condition diagnosed first. A physiotherapist's office will usually be able to take x-rays, perform ultrasound scans, and otherwise properly diagnose your condition before any treatment is administered. Of course, you might note if your insurance carrier will cover physiotherapy without your doctor's recommendation, but otherwise, it's typically fine to visit a physiotherapist without having visited a doctor first.

Level of pain or difficulty

You may assume that a physiotherapist is only needed when you're in extreme, chronic pain. In truth, it's often good to see such a therapist when you notice any type of pain or discomfort that interferes with your daily activity and which doesn't go away after a few days. Ignoring that pain, even if it seems relatively minor, can allow a small injury or small amount of damage to muscles and tendons to get worse over time. You may also be putting added stress and strain on other muscles of the body when you struggle to balance or perform daily tasks so that they also suffer eventual injury and long-term damage. Visit a physiotherapist whenever you feel it's necessary and let him or her determine the best course of treatment for you, rather than assuming your condition is not severe enough to warrant any type of regular therapy.
